Percentage Calculator

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Percentage Calculator

A percentage is a way to express a number as a fraction of 100. It is commonly used to express a change or a proportion in a variety of fields including mathematics, finance, and statistics. A percentage calculator is a tool that is used to perform calculations involving percentages. In this article, we will explore the history and origin of percentage calculation, the current use of percentage calculators, and the process of using a percentage calculator.


A percentage is a way to express a number as a fraction of 100. It is commonly used to express a change or a proportion in a variety of fields including mathematics, finance, and statistics. A percentage calculator is a tool that is used to perform calculations involving percentages. It can be used to calculate the percentage of a number, to calculate the number that a percentage represents, or to calculate the percentage change between two numbers.


The concept of percentages has its roots in ancient civilizations. The ancient Egyptians and Babylonians used fractions and ratios to express proportions. The use of the term "percent" can be traced back to the Latin word "per centum," which means "per hundred." The concept of percentage was later formalized by the Greek mathematician Hipparchus.

Current use

Percentages are widely used in a variety of contexts today. One of the most common uses is in finance to express interest rates, profit margins, and other financial ratios. Percentages are also used in statistics to express population growth, changes in temperature, and other data. They are commonly used in the field of education to express grades, in the field of sales to express discounts, and in the field of health to express changes in weight, height, and other vital signs.

Using a Percentage Calculator

Using a percentage calculator is a simple process. Most percentage calculators have a basic set of functions that can be used to perform common calculations involving percentages. These functions include:

  • Calculating the percentage of a number
  • Calculating the number that a percentage represents
  • Calculating the percentage change between two numbers

To use a percentage calculator, you will need to input the numbers that you want to use in the calculation and then select the appropriate function. The calculator will then perform the calculation and provide you with the result.

Conversion Table

Here is a table of examples of calculations performed using a percentage calculator:

Calculation Input Result
Percent of a number 50 as the number, 10 as the percent 5
Number represented by a percent 50 as the number, 20 as the percent 10
Percentage change 50 as the original number, 75 as the new number 50%
Discount 100 as the original price, 20 as the percent discount 80
Tax 100 as the original price, 10 as the percent tax 110
Grade 90 as the score, 100 as the total points 90%


A percentage calculator is a tool that is used to perform calculations involving percentages. Percentages are widely used in a variety of contexts, including finance, statistics, education, and health. Using a percentage calculator is a simple process, and it can be used to perform common calculations involving percentages, such as calculating the percentage of a number 

, calculating the number that a percentage represents, and calculating the percentage change between two numbers.

In addition to basic percentage calculations, many percentage calculators also offer additional features such as the ability to calculate compound interest, calculate tips and calculate grades.

Percentage calculators can be found online, as a part of software applications, and even in some calculators. Some popular online percentage calculators include, RapidTables, and Online-Calculator.

Conversion Table

Here is a table of examples of additional calculations performed using a percentage calculator:

Calculation Input Result
Compound Interest $1000 as the principal, 5% as the annual interest rate, 5 as the number of years $1276.28
Tip $100 as the total bill, 15% as the tip rate $15
Grade 30 as the score, 40 as the total points 75%

A percentage calculator is a tool that is used to perform calculations involving percentages. Percentages are widely used in a variety of contexts, including finance, statistics, education, and health. Using a percentage calculator is a simple process, and it can be used to perform common calculations involving percentages, such as calculating the percentage of a number, calculating the number that a percentage represents, and calculating the percentage change between two numbers.

Some percentage calculators also offer additional features, such as the ability to calculate compound interest, calculate tips, and calculate grades. Percentage calculators can be found online, as a part of software applications, and even in some calculators. With the help of this tool, you can perform a variety of calculations with ease, saving you time and effort.

Nasir Khan

CEO / Co-Founder

Enjoy the little things in life. For one day, you may look back and realize they were the big things. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

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