Currency Converter

Currency Converter

A currency converter is a tool that allows you to convert one currency to another. The most commonly used currency converter is the one that converts the US dollar (USD) to other currencies. The Currency Converter tool can be used to convert between various currencies, including the US dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), British pound (GBP), Indian rupee (INR), Australian dollar (AUD), Canadian dollar (CAD), Japanese yen (JPY), Bulgarian lev (BGN), Brazilian real (BRL), Swiss franc (CHF), Chinese yuan (CNY), Czech koruna (CZK), Danish krone (DKK), Hong Kong dollar (HKD), Croatian kuna (HRK), Hungarian forint (HUF), Indonesian rupiah (IDR), Israeli shekel (ILS), South Korean won (KRW), Lithuanian litas (LTL), Latvian lats (LVL), Mexican peso (MXN), Malaysian ringgit (MYR), Norwegian krone (NOK), New Zealand dollar (NZD), Philippine peso (PHP), Polish zloty (PLN), Romanian leu (RON), Russian ruble (RUB), Swedish krona (SEK), Singapore dollar (SGD), Thai baht (THB), Turkish lira (TRY), and South African rand (ZAR).


A Currency Converter is a software program that is designed to convert one country's currency to another country's currency. The exchange rate between two currencies is the rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another. Currency converters are useful for travelers, international businesses, and for anyone who needs to know the value of one currency in terms of another.


The concept of currency exchange and conversion has been around for centuries. The earliest known examples of currency exchange date back to ancient times, when merchants would exchange goods and services. However, it was not until the rise of international trade and commerce that the need for a standardized system of currency conversion became necessary. The first known currency converter was invented in the early 20th century.

Current use

Currency converters are widely used by individuals and businesses for a variety of purposes. They are particularly useful for travelers, as they allow them to easily convert their local currency to the currency of the country they 

are visiting. This is essential for budgeting and making purchases while traveling. They are also useful for international businesses that need to convert currency for transactions and accounting purposes. Additionally, currency converters are used by investors and traders in the foreign exchange market to monitor and analyze currency exchange rates.

Another important use of currency converters is for individuals and businesses making online purchases. Many online retailers offer products and services in multiple currencies, and a currency converter can help customers to see the prices in their local currency. This makes it easier to compare prices and make informed purchasing decisions.

Currency USD to Currency Currency to USD
EUR 0.827 1.208
USD 1 1
GBP 0.716 1.39
INR 73.05 0.0137
AUD 1.292 0.7724
CAD 1.266 0.7924
JPY 106.52 0.00937
BGN 1.738 0.574
BRL 5.276 0.189
CHF 0.907 1.104
CNY 6.902 0.1450
CZK 22.858 0.0437
DKK 6.304 0.158
HKD 7.819 0.1279
HRK 6.323 0.1578
HUF 322.35 0.00309
IDR 14,212.5 0.00007
ILS 3.547 0.2821
KRW 1,098.89 0.00091
LTL 3.091 0.3225
LVL 0.622 1.6058
MXN 20.734 0.048
MYR 4.103 0.2434
NOK 8.622 0.1158
NZD 1.352 0.7369
PHP 48.813 0.0205
PLN 3.937 0.2546

It is important to note that currency exchange rates are constantly fluctuating and the above table may not reflect the most current exchange rates. It is always recommended to check with a reputable currency conversion website or financial institution for the most up-to-date exchange rates.

In conclusion, a currency converter is a useful tool for individuals and businesses that need to convert one currency to another. It can be used for budgeting, international transactions, online purchases, and investment and trading purposes. With the help of a currency converter, one can easily navigate the global economy and make informed financial decisions.

Nasir Khan

CEO / Co-Founder

Enjoy the little things in life. For one day, you may look back and realize they were the big things. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

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